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Music Cataloging Procedures
School of Music DVDs -- Full Cataloging in Symphony
ECU provides full cataloging for School of Music DVDs. We receive DVDs for opera performances, and for other concerts/recitals where they are requested (i.e. the performer makes a request to the SoM for a DVD recording.) Differences from CD cataloging are highlighted in red.
These procedures describe cataloging. You will also need to create a tray liner back and an insert. Instructions are at: Music\Students\School of Music Recordings. It is OK if the insert is still a CD-size insert. For the outside, make a paper to slip in to the cover sleeve with the information. See past DVDs for examples.
1. Physical processing
Put it in a DVD case. This is to help keep the DVDs from getting shelved with the CDs by accident. Use one multiple-disc DVD cases, rather than several single-disc cases, if the performance required multiple DVDs.
Final physical processing steps are::
You will receive programs from the SoM Media Technician, generally routed through the Music Cataloger. In cataloging, the printed program (as emailed to you) will be your guide.
2. Create a new bib record in Symphony.
First time only:
3. Edit the following fields:
Dates - code the year of recording, yyyy, ex. 2008
Lang - code for language. Default is zxx, for purely instrumental music. Common codes are:
zxx - instrumental music (this code is used ONLY when the recording contains solely instrumental music. If the recording contains vocal & instrumental music, code only for the vocal music.)
eng - English
fre - French
ger - German
ita - Italian
lat - Latin
spa - Spanish
und - (i.e. you don't know or it is nonesense syllables)If there are multiple languages, code Lang for the predominant language (or the first one, if none predominates) and also add an 041 for other languages. Put each language in a separate |a Example:
041 0_ |aeng|ager|afre
007 vd*cvaizs [this field will not require editing]
033 __ Code the date YYYYMMDD, i.e, April 11, 2002 = 20020411
048 __ Code for instrumentation. See 048 Coding Cheat Sheet (Word document). All bib records must have an 048 field, with a few exceptions. Recordings NOT requiring an 048 include: collections of miscellaneous instrumentation, folk music, operas & other large vocal works, and pop music. See OCLC Bib Formats -- 048 for a complete list.
099: add DVD number
Example: 099 DVD-5077
1xx & 245: Take from the program, following standard AACR2 format. Use sentence case, i.e. only capitalize the first word and proper nouns, such as people's names and ensembles. End $a with a period, and put the date in full, written-out format in $n. ****It is very important to enter the date in the 245 $n in the full, written, out form, i.e. November 27, 2004 or February 23, 2005. Patrons commonly search on the date and we must enter the dates consistently or they won't be able to find the DVDs.**** (Entering the date is note standard AACR2 format, however, it is very important for patrons searching for the recordings.) Enter subtitle information in $b. For foreign languages, follow their capitalization rules (ex.: capitalize German nouns.)
Field 100 1_ is used for individual composers/performers.
Field 110 2_ is used for groups/ensembles
For ALL names, first search Symphony to see if that person/group is already in the database. If they are already in the database, use the same form of name. This includes both personal names and corporate (ensemble) names.
Most recordings will have a 110 of East Carolina University.|bSchool of Music. If a single composer/performer/ensemble is clearly the "feature" of the concert/recital, or it is a festival, move East Carolina University.|bSchool of Music. to a 710 and put the person/ensemble/festival in a 100/110/11.Examples:
- entire operas: composer gets 100
- solo recitals: solo performer gets 100
- orchestra concert: orchestra gets 110
- premeire performances: keep East Carolina University.|bSchool of Music. in 110
- concerts with several ensembles sharing equal importance: keep East Carolina University.|bSchool of Music. in 110
- Festivals: instead, put a 111 with the festival name and year. Search Workflows to see how it was done in the past, and then copy exactly, only changing the year. Examples:
- 111 2_ Four Seasons Chamber Music Festival|d(2011-2012) :|cEast Carolina University)
- 111 2_ NewMusic@ECU Festival|d(2012 :|cGreenville, N. C.)
Field 245 is used for the title. Indicators are:
- 1st indicator: 1 if the record includes a 1xx field ; 0 if the record does not include a 1xx field
- 2nd indicator: filing indicator - tells the computer how many spaces to skip in filing. Skip initial articles: a, an, the and foreign equivalents. For example, for "The", 2nd indicator is 4. For the French "La", the indicator is 3.
110 2_ East Carolina University.|bConcert Band|4prf
245 10 Concert Band.|nApril 19, 2000|h[videorecording] :|bSymphonic Band, Symphonic Wind Ensemble.100 1_ Bach, Johann Sebastian,|d1685-1750.
245 1 0 Faculty recital.|nApril 1, 1991|h[videorecording] :|ba celebration of Johann Sebastian Bach.245 __ Premiere performances : works by ECU student composers.|nMarch 23, 2006|h[videorecording].
260 __ |cYYYY.
300 __ 1 videodisc :|bsd, col. ;|c 4 3/4 in.
Edit this field only if the number of discs is not 1 (i.e. 2 videodiscs). If you edit 300, also edit the 538 DVD. to 538 DVDs.
500 __ Title from program.
This is a default field. You won't need to edit it.
511 0_ Performer, voice range/instrument ; Performer, voice range/instrument ; Ensemble ; Ensemble Conductor, conductor.
511 0_ |aHelen Donath, Jutta-Renate Ihloff, sopranos ; Teresa Berganza, mezzo-soprano ; Anthony Rolfe Johnson, Thomas Moser, tenors ; Robert Holl, Robert Lloyd, basses ; Joe Smith, violoncello ; Jane Smith, percussion ; Mozarteum-Orchester Salzburg ; Leopold Hager, conductor.
Note: Enter all performers and ensembles. For large ensembles, enter the ensemble name, the conductor, accompanist, and soloists, but no other individual members of the ensemble. (i.e. don't enter individual members of choirs, orchestras, or bands, but do enter each member of a string quartet or other small chamber ensemble.)
Note: If the voice part is not given and you don't know it, you can enter their character in the opera, i.e. John Smith (Tristan) ; Jane Doe (Isolde).
518 __ Recorded [date] in A.J. Fletcher Recital Hall, East Carolina University, Greenville, N.C. [Most will be recorded in A.J. Fletcher. If not, substitute the correct location.] (This field is already in the template, but you need to add the date.)
538 DVD. (This field already present in the template.)
500 __ Program from performance inserted in container.
This is a default which you'll only need to edit if there is no program (as frequently happens for the jazz concerts). If no program is available, change this field to:
500 __ No program available.505 0_ Title ; Other title by same composer / Composer -- Title. Part of title / Composer, etc. [Enter the titles and composers, following standard 505 formatting.] 505 Cheat Sheet (Word document). 505 is the last note. Example:
505 0_ Country chic / Nia Imani Franklin -- To our God. 3rd movement "Creation" / Akeem I. Lipford -- The angry wooden stick / Drew Keil -- Things to remember. Wild nights, wild nights! - Emily Dickinson ; The cloths of heaven - William Butler Yeats ; The toaster - William Jay Smith / Faustino Solis.
Add any other 500 notes needed. If there are imperfections in the recording or portions of the concert missing, make a note.
500 __ There is no DVD of the April 1st performance. It was not recorded due to recording equipment failure and is not available from any source.
500 __ This recording is incomplete due to recording equipment failure. The end of the concert was not recorded and is unavailable from any source.
650 _0 Operas. (This field already present in the template. Delete if the DVD is not of an opera.)
655 _7 Nonfiction films.|2lcgft (This field is already present in the template and is used for all SoM videos)
655 _7 Filmed operas.|2lcgft (This field is already present in the template. Delete if the DVD is not of an opera.)
655 _7 Filmed performances.|2lcfgt (Add this field if it is not an opera.)
700 1_ Performer.|4prf
700 1_ Composer.|tTitle of opera.
Search the composer's name and opera title in Symphony. If not found in Symphony, search the LC Name Authority file. The title should be in the original language, with $l for language if sung in another language. Example:
700 1_ Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, $d 1756-1791.|tNozze di Figaro. (Marriage of Figaro, sung in the original Italian)
700 1_ Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, $d 1756-1791.|tNozze di Figaro.|lEnglish. (Marriage of Figaro, sung in English translation)710 2_ Ensembles.|4prf
**All operas will have a 710 2_ East Carolina University. $b Opera Theatre. This heading is already in the workform and should be on all operas.
**Enter all performers and ensembles. For operas, you will usually only need to enter the main performers. Use your judgement in deciding who is a "main performer." Most operas have about 4-8 main performers. For ensembles, enter the ensemble name, the conductor, accompanist, and soloists, but no other individual members of the ensemble. Most operas do not have a named orchestra, so you will only need to make a 700 for the conductor (not 710 needed for orchestra.) For ALL names, first search Symphony to see if that person is already in Symphony. If they are already in Symphony, use the same form of name. This includes both personal names and corporate (ensemble) names. For professors & outside performers, also search the Library of Congress authority file, authorities.loc.gov, if they are not in Symphony. (Do not bother searching the LC authority file for students as they are unlikely to be there and it's not worth your time.)
4. Save the record. (you may also want to save as you go along. The first time you save, you will be prompted to edit the call number/item record, per step 5 below.)
5. Create/edit the call number/item record
6. Proofread your work
7. Record statistics: Number of CD records and number of DVD records. Give your statistics to the Music Cataloger at the end of each month.
8. Place the record on the shelf for review. The records will be reviewed by the Music Cataloger. The reviewer will also add 650 subject headings and 700 fields for the works contained on the recording if needed/as appropriate. (If the work is an opera, no additional 650s are usually needed.)
nln 1/14/2008, revised for Symphony 11/23/2009, 10/3/2012
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