Articles of Restatement...
This document
reflected the Hospital’s change in status to a private, non-profit
Department of TheSecretary of State
all whom these presents shall come, Greetings:
ELAINE F. MARSHALL, Secretary of State of the State of North
Carolina, do hereby certify the following and hereto attach to be a true
copy of
original of which was filed in this office on the 18th day of September,

WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto
set my hand and affixed my official seal at the
City of Raleigh, this 18th day of September,
F. Marshall
of State
Pursuant to Section
55A-10-06 of the General Statutes of North Carolina, the undersigned corporation
hereby submits these Restated Articles of Incorporation for the purpose
of reflecting the Corporation's reorganization from an agency of Pitt
County to a private, not-for-profit corporation and also for the purposes
of amending its articles of incorporation in furtherance of its agreement
with Pitt County for the conveyance of certain hospital facilities and
properties pursuant to N. C. Gen. Stat. 131E-8.
Attached hereto as an exhibit are the amended and restated articles of
incorporation requiring Board of Trustee approval.
The amended and restated articles of incorporation of the corporation
have been approved by all required Board of Trustee action pursuant to
Section 55A-10-02 of the General Statutes of North Carolina and the corporation
has no members.
The date of adoption of the amended and restated articles was as follows:
September 15, 1998.
These articles will be effective upon filing.
the 16 day of Sept., 1998
C. McRae
Dave C. McRae
Walter Morehead
Walter Morehead
undersigned, non-stock, non-profit corporation, for the purposes of amending
and restating its articles of incorporation, and in accordance with the
Provisions of Section 55A-10-06 of the North Carolina General Statutes,
hereby sets forth:
The name of this corporation is Pitt County Memorial Hospital, Incorporated.
The location of the principal office of the corporation is 2100
Stantonsburg Road, in the city of Greenville 27838, in the County of Pitt,
and in the State of North Carolina.
The objects for which this corporation is formed are:
lease, establish, maintain and operate hospitals, clinics,
nursing homes and other related facilities to provide for the care and
treatment of persons suffering from illnesses, injuries or disabilities
which require hospital care.
To supply modern equipment and facilities to aid in the
diagnosis and treatment of disease, and to furnish to the staff of physicians
and surgeons who practice in its hospitals an opportunity, by their
close association and cooperation, to offer to their patients, quickly
and economically, the sum of their combined skill and experience.
To furnish to the said staff of physicians and surgeons the
Use of such physical equipment for the practice of their profession
as will enable them without undue hardships to give their best efforts
without compensation to those unable to pay for their services, as well
as to facilitate them in their service to patients who are able to pay
compensation therefor.
To furnish the equipment and organization for the instruction and training
of doctors, nurses and technicians in order to carry forward in the
future the plan herein set out for the alleviation of disease, and to
grant diplomas or certificates in connection with such instruction or
E. To carry on any educational activities related to the care of the
sick and disabled and the promotion of health and preventative medicine,
which in the opinion of the Board of Trustees may be justified by the
facilities, personnel, funds or other resources that are, or can be
made, available.
aid as far as practicable in the instruction and promotion
of research and scientific investigation in all branches of medicine
and surgery.
To participate, so far as circumstances may warrant, in any
activity designed and carried on to promote the general health of the
To appoint a medical staff composed of such physicians
and surgeons as, in the judgment of the Board of Trustees, are properly
qualified to conduct the professional work of the hospital, and including
trained and experienced technicians, and to promulgate suitable rules
governing the conduct of all physicians, surgeons and technicians who
are permitted to practice in said hospital.
I. To use the revenues of this corporation and the profits,
if any, for the purposes of affording hospital care to those unable
to pay for the same, promoting betterment of public health, to maintain
its hospitals and equipment in good repair and modern condition, and
in general to use, invest and hold all revenues and the profits, if
any, for the purposes for which this corporation is organized.
J. In connection with the purposes above set forth and in order to carry
them out, to solicit, accept, receive and acquire by gift, devise, bequest,
conveyance or otherwise donations, money, tax funds and property of
every kind, nature and description, from any person, firm or corporation,
including any municipality, county, state or the United States of America,
and to hold, manage, spend, administer, use and invest as may be directed
by the donor, or as the Board of Trustees of the corporation may determine
in the absence of such direction.
K. And to engage in any lawful act or activity for which corporations
may be organized under Chapter 55A of the North Carolina General Statutes
as it currently exists or as it may hereafter be amended.
The corporation shall have and issue no capital stock, and shall be
Operated without profit to the members or their successors, and no part
of the net earnings shall inure, or may lawfully inure, to the benefit
of any member or individual. It shall not be its purpose to engage in
carrying on propaganda or otherwise attempting to influence legislation.
5. In the event of the dissolution or liquidation of the corporation,
after paying or adequately providing for the debts and obligations of
the corporation, the Board of Trustees shall donate, transfer, deliver
and convey all of its moneys, properties and other assets: (a) to any
nonprofit successor organization approved by the Board of County Commissioners
of Pitt County, provided that such successor organization is exempt from
taxation under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal revenue Code of 1986
or the corresponding provisions of any future United States Internal Revenue
law; or (b) if there is no successor organization, then to Pitt County
to be used by said County exclusively for the accomplishment of the purposes
for which this corporation is formed.
6. The affairs of this corporation shall be managed by the Board of Trustees.
The Board of Trustees of this corporation shall consist of twenty (20)
members who shall be at least twenty-one (21) years of age.
Board of Commissioners of Pitt County shall appoint eleven (11) members,
or fifty five percent (55%), of the Board, at least one of whom shall
be a physician who is a resident of Pitt County and a member of the active
Medical Staff of Pitt County Memorial Hospital. The Board of Governors
of the University of North Carolina shall appoint the remaining nine (9)
members, or forty five percent (45%), of the Board, one of whom shall
be appointed by the Board of Governors of the University of North Carolina
from among a slate of four (4) persons nominated by a nominating committee
comprised of members of the Board previously appointed by the Board of
Governors of the University of North Carolina.
the exception of terms for which expiration dates are set forth hereinafter,
the appointments shall be for a full term of five (5) years each and thereafter
those who are eligible may be reappointed for one (1) additional term
of five (5) years each and shall serve until their successors are appointed
and qualified. Said terms shall begin as of the first day of March of
the year of the appointment.
current Trustees (as of restatement), their seat numbers for future reference,
the length of their current terms and which entity appoints their successors
are as follows:
of Appointing
Number Trustee Current Term Entity
David Brody 2000 UNC
2 Edwin Monroe 2001 UNC
3 Walter Morehead 2001 Pitt County
4 Henry C. Humphreys, Jr. 2002 UNC
5 James Larkin Little 2002 UNC
6 Sarah Baldree 2000 Pitt County
7 Eric A. Buffong 2003 UNC
8 Paul S. Camnitz 2004 Pitt County
9 Ed Casey 2001 Pitt County
10 Luther C. Copeland, Jr. 2004 UNC
11 Ernest L. Evans 2000 UNC
(filling unexpired term)
12 Carolyn Ferebee Edwards 2003 Pitt County
13 Ervin Hardee 2003 Pitt County
14 Charles L. McLawhorn 2002 Pitt County
15 Frankie Moye 2004 Pitt County
16 Billy Peaden 2004 ` Pitt County
17 David Lee Shackleford 2000 Pitt County
18 Clarence P. Skinner 2001 UNC
19 Eli A. Warren 2003 Pitt County
20 Cassius S. Williams 2002 UNC
reflected above, the nine (9) seats which the University of North Carolina
Board of Governors shall be entitled to appoint hereafter are Seat Numbers
1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 10, 11, 18 and 20. The seat which the University of North
Carolina Board of Governors shall appoint from among a slate of four (4)
persons nominated by a nominating committee comprised of members of the
Board previously appointed by the Board of Governors of the University
of North Carolina shall be seat number 5. The eleven (11) seats which
the Pitt County Board of Commissioners shall be entitled to appoint hereafter
are Seat Numbers 3, 6, 8, 9, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 and 19. The seat which
the Pitt County Board of Commissioners shall appoint from among the group
of physicians who are residents of Pitt County and who are members of
the active Medical staff of Pitt County Memorial Hospital shall be seat
number 8.
least sixty (60) days prior to the expiration of the respective term of
office of any member of the Board of Trustees, including those members
who are presently serving on the Board, the Board of Trustees of the Hospital
shall notify the Board of Commissioners of Pitt County and the Board of
Governors of the University of North Carolina and ask the Board of Commissioners
of Pitt County and the Board of Governors of the University of North Carolina
to fill such vacancy by appointment for the new term, as provided herein.
No member of the Board of Trustees shall serve for more than two (2) successive
full five (5) year terms.
vacancies in the membership of the Board of Trustees by reason of death,
resignation, lack of attendance as hereinafter provided, or as otherwise
provided by the bylaws, shall be immediately reported to the Board of
Commissioners of Pitt County and the Board of Governors of the University
of North Carolina. Such report shall ask the entity that appointed the
departing member of the Board to fill such vacancy by appointment for
the residue of the unexpired term only. No Trustee shall be removed, except
for "cause" which shall be defined as mental incompetency, bad
faith, breach of fiduciary responsibility, a conflict of interest in violation
of this corporation's bylaw or policies, conviction of or plea of no contest
to a felony or any crime involving moral turpitude, or absenteeism which
is defined as being absent without excuse, as defined in the Corporation's
Bylaws, from more than twenty-five percent (25%) of the Board's regular
and special meetings, during any twelve-month period from March 1 through
February 28 of his or her term. The term of any member of the Board of
Trustees shall be declared vacant at the end of any year in which he or
she has violated the absenteeism standard.
An affirmative vote of eighty-five (85%) of the members of the
Board of Trustees in office shall be required for the approval of any
of the following acts:
the amendment of Article 6 of these Articles of Incorporation with the
prior written consent of Pitt County;
the dissolution of the corporation;
dale of the corporation with the prior written consent of Pitt County;
sale or transfer of assets in cash or in kind, including services, to
or for
the benefit of Pitt County, except for those items of consideration
previously agreed to as of the date of restatement and given in exchange
for the conveyance of the hospital facilities under N. C. Gen. Stat.
E. the creation of a controlling parent corporation; and
the appointment of corporate officers or their removal without cause.
8. The Board of Trustees of this corporation shall have power,
By a vote of a majority of all the trustees, to make, alter, amend and
rescind the Bylaws of this corporation.
The Board of Trustees shall have the authority to delegate its power and
authority to one or more committees composed of members of the Board of
Trustees to the fullest extent permitted by law, provided that the membership
of any such committee shall consist of members of the Board appointed
by the Board of Commissioners of Pitt County and the Board of Governors
of the University of North Carolina with the same proportional representation
as comprise the Board.
10. These Articles may be amended by way of addition, deletion, or
other change at any regular meeting of the Board, provided written notice
of any proposed amendment has been submitted to each member of the Board
of Trustees at least two weeks prior to such regular meeting. In the event
that any amendment shall be proposed at any regular meeting of the Board
and no written notice of any such proposed amendment shall have been given
as above provided, then and in that event the proposed amendment may be
discussed at the current meeting at which it is proposed but shall not
be finally adopted until the next succeeding regular meeting. Amendments
must be passed by a vote of a majority of all the Trustees, except as
otherwise provided in Article 7 herein. Notwithstanding the foregoing,
Article 7 herein may not be amended without the consent of Pitt County.
The Corporation shall have no members.
The period of existence of this corporation is unlimited.
These Amended and Restated Articles of Incorporation are
Intended to restate and replace any previously filed articles of incorporation
and any amendments thereto.